Water, Zen, Forbear

White Boat
Wenhui Xie
Installation, 3m x 2.5m x 2m, Stainless steel, TPU, wood
Water, Zen, Forbear
Paper boats represent vulnerability, and stainless steel paddles represent support for faith. The light and shadow of the waves made me feel calm. The waves covered my face and I wanted to hide my vulnerability. I shake the ocean on my own. I think in the voyage of life, many storms are made by ourselves. We are both vulnerable and healing ourselves. As the paper boat drops, the sound of monks knocking on the wooden fish brings a sense of Zen. In fact, the paper boat didn't go anywhere, but in my heart, the sadness was gone. Can not get, Learn to let go,Slowly make peace with yourself and the world.
水(Water):水为阴,而代表女性的词 以柔克刚,为母则刚都在暗示女性如水一般最赢弱也最坚强。
隐忍(Forbear): 视频中海浪遮住了我的脸是我想隐藏自己的脆弱。作为新时代女性,往往我们都希望表象的非常坚强来隐藏自己的脆弱。